Sunday, May 23, 2010

Welcome a New Guest : 2007

There comes a time
When you have to welcome a guest
With open arms and hope
Invite the unlikely into our life
There comes a time
When you wonder about the past
Wander in the present
Ponder over the future
There comes a time
When you will wish all and curse none
Smile at most, cherish the moments
There comes a time
When time becomes the most awaited factor

Alaa one such time is here for sure
Wish you and all around you a very Happy New Year 2007....

What Matters in Life

Below was the thought flew in thru when an event was narrated (captured in the second section below)


Numbers might be small
But deed is a mall
Whatever you say
For every question of you
I am trying save a life.
Join me in this journey
Else be a part of autonomy
Which states that I am is today
Rather I am everything on everyday...

Today or tomorrow we have to disappear
But a better way would be to leave behind a trailer
Not to show what we might do later
But a thought in other heart to provoke our matter

What leaves on is our legacy
In this world of conspiracy


A man was walking down the beach at sunset. As, he walked along, he saw
another man in the distance. He noticed this man kept leaning down, picking
up something and throwing it out into the water, again and again. As, he
approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish
that had been washed up on the beach. He was throwing them back into the
water, one by one.
                  Puzzled, he approached the man and said,
            "Good Evening. I was wondering what you are doing."
  "I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, it's low tide
   and all these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If, I don't
 throw them back into the ocean, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen."
     "But, there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can't
    possible get to all of them. And, don't you realize this is probably
 happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast. Can't you see
                that you can't possibly make a difference?"
  The man bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and threw it back
  into the ocean. With a smile he replied, "Made a difference to that one

ust remember, no matter how small the deed
                     it really does makes a difference.
                          Make a difference today.
                    Do something nice for someone else,
                         and you will get pleasure.

What I and You should be..

On this Valentine day, does the destiny lie in proving your love or being loved,
On our Independence day, do we have to be Patriots
On your Birthday, do we have to be ourselves?
On my Friends birthday, do we have to live fro them,
On my Parents wedding anniversary, do we have make them feel them proud,

The list of days can be numerous
So does, swell the list of to do’s

But let’s not make a point to win as one motive,
But to live, enjoy and let live with others should be one motive…

Some find solace in money,
Some are obsessed with fame,
Some are crazy with beauty,
Some are mad after others,

But what ever may be their wish,
It will be fulfilled, if it a wish, definitely turning into an well wisher,
For thou, the greatest feel lies in Sacrifice, but for whom is that is What matters…..


Smile ,the best attire.....
Smile ,the best costume.........
Smile,the best  Perfume...........
Smile,the best  action..............
Smile,the best Solution..........
Smile ,the best medicine..........
Smile,the true emotion............
Smile ,the best when u can Smile.............

Smile is cute when it is spontaneous........but don't explode..........

" But don't smile  when u don't want to...........but again smile should not come with any permission.............................."