
Landmark days are very common, only need is for one to appreciate the simple facts of existence and occurrence - Jonty

Somedays, A leaning shoulder means more than anything..Read On

Welcome a New Guest : 2007..Read On

Some moments give you immense satisfaction, one such day, which sprang a surprise.
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On a any special day, What I and You should be to make everyday a joy to live..Read On

Etched in mind are those days when I used to wave at high flying and low flying planes along with others during my childhood.
Little I thought then, a day would come when not only me But I would take my lovely Mom on a plane journey, a dream which I am sure she would have nursed.Man it was some experience for me,something can't be equated to any..Read On

A day which is supposed to reverberate freshness among hearts, started in a contradictory way, a brief description on the events as they unfolded on Feb 14 2010..Read On

The Time of year, street lights replaced with Fierry Crackers, Noise Pollution hits the roof, No one is authorized to complain..Read On

Independence Day..more a call to realize the importance of hardwork and struggle..Read On